
  • Firefox Dial Add On
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 30. 23:46
    Firefox Dial Add On

    .NOTE - Do NOT download all of these. Having lots of Add-Ons can slow down your browser. You can turn add-ons off by clicking 'disable' in the add-ons menu. This way they don't take up resources until you need them to.Backup -Adblockers & Privacy.or other.or other.- Lets you use sites that don't allow adblockers.

    Support Forum; Firefox; Start firefox with the speed dial; Support Forum. 11/11/13, 4:18 AM. Hello, I love the new tab speed dial, but I want it to be my homepage whenever I start firefox. How do I make this happen? Hello, I love the new tab speed dial, but I want it to be my homepage whenever I start firefox. How to I re-enable my add.

    Requires or uBlock origin. Sorry you haven't gotten it to work. I don't use a Mac, so I'm not sure if there's an issue with the extension on that platftom. I know I can't get it to work on the Android version, so that's been a bit discouraging. Personally I avoid assigning any specific sites to containers, especially because a main impetus for me to use containers is to open multiple Google accounts in the same browser. However, the times I have done so, it looks only at the specific domain you've assigned.

    If a site you're logging in to redirects through an authentication page, it might cause some issues with pre-assigned containers since the cookies might get separated from one another. I especially have this issue with Microsoft and Adobe using federated identities (thanks to enterprise accounts).It's an older blog post, but here's someone who has it working on Mac:. Thanks for the detailed response. I am either missing something really obvious or the extension is being stymied somehow by my set-up.

    When I enable the extension, I have, let's say one tab open in which I am signed-in on. I want to open a separate tab which is isolated from the first, so it should just open without me being signed-in. I thought that is how it was supposed to work: multiple tabs all isolated from each other working separately in their own environments.

    I also don't want to assign sites to specific containers, only to isolate tabs from each other.So, I just re-enabled the extension to better understand and explain the issue. I click on the extension, hover my mouse-pointer over 'Personal', get a prompt that says 'Create personal tab'. I click and then nothing happens. This is why I feel something is wrong.

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    Fast dial addon firefox

    Each tab isn't isolated from all others. Tabs exist in color-coded containers (which can be customized) that share cookies. By default, the extension comes preconfigured with containers for work, personal, and shopping, I believe.

    If you open sites outside of any of the established containers, the site is considered to be open in the 'default' container. Any sites open in a container share cookies with all other sites that are open in the same container. So, in my case, I open up a tab in the 'personal' container and log in to GMail. If I open YouTube after that in the personal container, it will also use my personal Google account that i logged in to.

    Firefox Dial Add On Yahoo

    If I navigate to YouTube in a different container, though, I won't be logged in. When you click on the new tab button next to your open tabs, does it work when you hold the click for a second?Nope, just tried it.Alternately, at least in Windows, the context menu from right-clicking should give the option to open a new tab in a container.When I right-click, no such option is displayed.Interestingly, when I click on 'File' there is an option for 'New Container Tab' but it is greyed out. My guess is that there is something in my settings that is not allowing this extension to function, perhaps an about:config tweak.

    Firefox Dial Add On
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